Wednesday, 21 May 2014

What foods are safe?

Gerbils definately are not animals that have as weak of a stomach as hamsters or mice, that can have dirrhea very easily with too many of this or too little of that, but gerbils can still get sick from food like all other animals, including humans.

Let's talk about the human foods that you can feed as a healthy or unhealthy treat... or maybe if it's just poisonous for your gerbil. Here is a quick list of some of the things you CAN feed your gerbil:

- Apple (seedless)
- Broccoli
- Carrots
- Cauliflower leaves and stalks
- Cucumber
- Lettuce - small amounts occasionally - in excess it can cause liver problems
- Parsley - a good tonic
- Chickweek
- Clover
- Dandelion
- Yarrow
- Biscuits
- Boiled Potatoes
- Bread (fresh or stale)
- Breakfast Cereals (low fat)
- Cheese (small amounts occasionally as fattening)
- Currents
- Dog Biscuits
- Egg (scrambled or boiled)
- Mealworms
- Raisins
- Sultanas
- Toast

Here is also a short list of what you can't feed your gerbils:

 Kidney Beans (raw)
- Onions - Destroys red blood cells
- Shallots - Destroys red blood cells
- Potato
- Potato tops
- Rhubarb (raw)
- Rhubarb leaves
- Tomato leaves
- Black nightshade
- Buttercups
- Clematis
- Daffodil
- Deadly nightshade
- Hemlock
- Hydrangea
- Ivy
- Laburnum
- Laurel
- Oleander
- Poinsettia
- Rhododendron
- Yew
- Yucca
- Chocolate
- Rabbit Mix (containing antibiotic ingredients)
- Sweets
- Toffee
- Avacado - Toxic to their hearts
- Garlic

Of course, there are many more things, but if I went through all the foods in human history, there would be A LOT!  So, instead, you can leave me a comment asking if a food is safe, and I'll answer it the best I can.
YOUTUBE: Gerbil232

Saturday, 17 May 2014

Gerbil diets

Getting a gerbil and keeping it happy is easy, but... what about health?  What will I feed my furry friend?  Let's go over our options (BTW These are just some popular gerbil mixes you'll always see).
#1:  Gerri Gerbil
  <-- This is what Gerri Gerbil looks like
P.S. That isn't the only place you can get it!  Just a reminder for the future food choices below on the rest of the post!
Gerri gerbil is about the best food you could give your gerbil.  The only problem is, it is VERY hard to find in petstores.  I have found:
-Hazel hamster
-Reggie Rat
-Russel Rabbit
-Charlie Chinchilla
-Gerty Guinea pig
But no sign of Gerri gerbil!  I can buy it online easy, but I really wish it was in our regular petsmart, or local petstore.  What you can easily substitute Gerri Gerbil with, is Hazel Hamster (Harry Hamster in the United Kingdom).  I substitute Gerri Gerbil with Hazel Hamster, but it isn't a big deal as long as you add more real gerbil food in with it.  I'd give it a 5 out of 5 if I could actually see the food in real life. 
#2:  All living things hamster and gerbil daily diet
<-- This is what it looks like
I personally use All living things hamster and gerbil daily diet, myself, because it is quick and easy for me since I am close to petsmart.  You can buy this food mixture at Petsmart, and I think this food has plenty of variety.  The downside of it is that this mix has a bit too much corn, but those are easy to pick out.
#3: Carefresh complete menu hamster and gerbil food
<-- What it looks like
REVIEW ON YOUTUBE: <-- Applies to hamsters, but is perfectly fine for gerbils as well
So the first thing I would say about this food, is that there is a whole bunch of pellets.  Not all gerbils are going to enjoy all those pellets in their food.  The second thing is that like the review said, there aren't any sunflower seeds, which there should be.  Besides those two things, this food is good for any non-picky gerbil eaters.  This food also has really great information on the back of the package. 
#4: Oxbow Essentials Healthy Handfuls Hamster & Gerbil Food
 <-- What it looks like
REVIEW ON YOUTUBE: <-- This mostly relates to hamsters, but it can definitely apply to gerbils as well.
I also use this type of food.  This food is very nutritious for your gerbil and is also great for any hamster owners out there.  I use this for my gerbils as well.  The only downside is, that it is a type of pellet, so your gerbils may not like it if they are picky eaters like mine are.  I highly suggest mixing this with your other mix, and have this as a second instead of a main diet base, because it doesn't have much variety at all.  If you mix this with gerri gerbil, it will be a perfect diet.
#5 Brown's Tropical Carnival Gourmet Hamster & Gerbil Food
<-- Picture of it
This food has a great WIDE variety.  There are so many different choices for your gerbil to munch on in here!  The thing is... there are a lot of down sides to it as much as there are good sides, which is not the best. For your gerbil, you'd want it to be great, and nutritious for them, while at the same time, tasty and great even for picky eaters.  If you look inside the package, there are so many colours, it may look good to the human eye, but to a gerbils stomach.... nope.  The colours means that there are a lot of dyes and too many dyes aren't good for your gerbil.  I would DEFINATELY recommend this for a treat though, your gerbil would absolutely LOVE it!  On the package, it says that it is a food as much as it is a treat.  I wouldn't listen to that phrase if I were you...
WELL!  Thanks for reading!  I hope this helped with your diet choices.  I added all the information I could about those 5 popular food types, and if you have any more, feel free to ask me about them.  I added the information, but now it's your call, which food are you going to choose?  :D
And don't forget, lots of variety, so you can mix different mixes together to create an even better food!
MY YOUTUBE: Gerbil232 <-- for even more information on gerbils, including cage tours, and hauls! 

Proper Housing

When you get a gerbil, you will always need the proper housing,
what is the "proper" housing?
First, let's start with store bought cages:
Above, are all the cages that you'll normally see in a petstore.
The question is, are they good?
Well, how about we test your IQ? 
Q: Can gerbils have plastic?
A: nope!
Q: Do those cage sizes seem to fit the size requirements?
A: nope!
Q: Do these cages have enough room at the bottom to burrow and dig in for you gerbils?
A: nope!
There you have it.  3 good reasons why these cages are not suitible for your gerbils.
Please, I'm begging you, for the safety of your gerbils, please do NOT get these types of cages!
I will now tell you why.
         The first cage is actually, pretty decent in size (preferable to have a bigger size...) , but if you look closely inside that cage, there are plastic things sticking out.  That means your gerbil can eat the plastic and get very sick.  Gerbils also like to burrow, which means, you need to have at LEAST, at the VERY MINIMUM, 3-4 inches of bedding.  Without that, the gerbils can't live to their natural instincts to burrow and dig.
          The second cage is terribly small.  It has almost no space for your gerbil to do anything!  Your gerbil will be very unhappy living in a cage like that for his/her whole life.  The format of it is good.  You should look for cages like this, (just much bigger) when you are looking to get a gerbil.  Like the first cage, the burrowing space is incredibly small.  Cage #2 just means that you will have a very unhappy gerbil.
          The last cage on the right side of the page way at the top of this page, is the absolute worst thing you could give your gerbil.  All of that plastic, the wheel, that tiny second level... what will your gerbil do if he/she chews it?  It is a very bad cage for a gerbil, and even for a hamster, because the cage is just SO small!  This cage also doesn't have any room to burrow and dig.
You know what's crazy? 
I will actually recommend having at least one of the first two cages!  Woah, crazy, right? 
But for real, the last cage, I could never recommend it for a gerbil, but for hamsters (since hamsters don't chew plastic), why not?
Why am I saying these things?
This is because, when you are cleaning your gerbils premanent cage, you need to have a small backup! 
You always need to put your gerbils into something when you are cleaning their cage, or moving them from one place to another.  Many people have these store bought carriers from petsmart, and other big petstores: 

           All these carriers are all right for a short period of time.  They are all plastic, but as long as somebody is watching your gerbils, your gerbils will be fine.  I have the super pet one and it works perfectly.  Just as long as everybody knows that you can never permanently keep your geribl in these.  The maximum time you can keep your gerbils in here is about 2 hours. 
So we went over carriers, and what should be carriers, the very small cagesLast but DEFINATLY not least, the good cages!
Here is one example of a great cage:

This type of cage is extremely hard to find.  Though it is hard to find, it is great for your gerbils.  This cage is very large, and has NO plastic whatsoever.  This is a great cage because the height and length is great.  Some people are concerned that wire is bad for their gerbils feet, but wire is fine as long as they can't go through.  The reason being, is that gerbils feet are quite big and so wires won't hurt them.  I sometimes still put paper on the wire parts of my cage though, because I still worry, even though it is absolutely safe. Above is one of my ultamite favorite cages.
Here is another example of a really great cage:
(This picture above is from google images)
This cage is awesome.  It isn't quite as big, but a lot of gerbil owners seem to have this type of cage.  This is a sturdy cage with no chewable plastic in reach, and has wire, which is not bad at all for gerbils.  The great thing about the two cages I just showed you, is that the tanks at the bottom are huge! They are really deep for your gerbil to explore and have fun in.
How about 1 more example?
(This picture is also from google images)
So this is a really good cage as well.  One of my favorites. In the picture, there is a plastic tube, and you should never put that in the gerbils cages, but the picture is very badly mistaken with this tube.  Besides that tube, this is a GREAT cage to put your gerbils in.  You can see some youtube reviews on this cage, and from what they say, this is quite big, and has lots of room to burrow!
I hope all that information gave you a good idea on what cage is good, and what cage is bad for your gerbil! 